“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Luke 18:16

Monday, July 27, 2009

Here is a note from the Chile Team who took our burp cloths in June.

"The church was very pleased to receive the beautiful burp cloths. We didn't make any hospital visits, but they will definitely use them in their local ministry and outreach projects. Attached is a photo of 3 of our team members and two church leaders exclaiming joy over the burp cloths.

Many thanks to you and all the members of the Burp Ministry for sharing the gifts God gave you with the people of Chile."

With blessings to you,
John, Denee and Nick Parker and Team Chile

Teens Give Back

Mom's and daughters sewing together what a great way to give back. We made burp cloths for a PEACE missions trip going to Chile.

We are going to take a summer break in July and August. We will be back in full swing starting September, 27th.

Monday, June 22, 2009

BURP Volunteers are Grace-Givers!

How wonderful it is to be in the presence of those who radiate grace! That is what makes our BURP volunteers so special. They are Grace-Givers, they are so generous with their time and talents each month spending the extra moment to make a difference in a mom and baby's life by sewing, ironing or wrapping a burp cloth made with love.

"Freely you have received, freely give." Matthew 10:8
God's grace is freely given that we might freely give.

Bless you all
Lynda and Erin

New Website Launch -

As many of you know BURP stands for Baby U R Precious which is our retail side. We specialize in organic bamboo velour baby essentials and we just launched our new website - http://www.babyurprecious.com - check us out!
thanks for supporting BURP/Baby U R Precious we appreciate all of you!

Sewing Day....coming soon

Our Next Sewing Day is this Sunday -1 -4pm at the Drakes House. We had the most volunteers last month and we had some fabulous men that joined us as well - so this is not just for ladies...everyone is welcome! We hope to sew more than our record amount of 44 last month - so please come over June 28 for some more Burp Cloth FUN!

Monday, June 15, 2009

May 31st, 2009 Sewing Party Spectular

Men Can HELP Too!

What a delightful sewing party we had in May. A small group from Saddleback Church joined us in making burp cloths for their upcoming PEACE ministry trip to Chili in June.

Denee, John & Nick, Doug & Lisa, thank you again for your team of super helpers that was so much fun having the men involved!! Who would have thought that they would be so good !

Nick was such a great ironer and John so precise at his cutting and Doug was a super packer and tied the bows with care. It was just a win win team!! anytime we would love to have them again.

A special thank you too to our other volunteer sewers and ironers we had 13 volunteers that day, 6 sewing machines, 44 burp cloths made in 3 hours. It was a record breaking party.

Our next sewing party will be on June 28th if you would like to join us please email: erin@babyurprecious.com for directions.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sewing Party -May 31

Please join us for our Sewing Party on May 31 from 1 - 4pm. We will be sewing burp cloths for Casa Teresa and local and global PEACE trips for Saddleback Community Church. Please email erin@babyurprecious.com to sign up. We hope to see you!

A Shout Out and Thank You!

Burp Ministry would like to thank Natalie Blair for designing our beautiful NEW logo! We LOVE it! You are so talented and we are so blessed to have a work of art by you. Thank you again Natalie for your hard work and servant heart.


Erin and Lynda

Monday, April 27, 2009

4-26-09, Sewing Ladies from the BURP Ministry made burp cloths for the Marine wives of Camp Pendleton, the 511 Group which is comprised of 3 artillery battalions: Romeo 511, Tango 511 and Sierra 511, have 600 men in this group. Of these 3 battalions 40 babies were born in the last several months. Moses baskets donated by another ministry at Saddleback church called the Military/Camp Pendleton Outreach of Saddleback Church asked us if we would sew burp cloths to be included in these beautiful baskets. Here is a note from the director;
“Thanks for taking the Military/Camp Pendleton Outreach on as a partner with your BURP ministry. Together we will share the love of Christ down there on base”.
Thx and Lord Bless,

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sewing Party -

The last Sunday of each month we have sewing parties where volunteers sew their little hearts out and make as many burp cloths they can in 3 hours. This Sunday the 26th will be our 3rd B.U.R.P sewing party, if you live in South Orange County and are interested in joining us please contact us - erin@babyurprecious.com. This time we will be sewing burp cloths for Casa Teresa, Camp Pendleton and Africa. Dont miss out on serving new mommies and their babies!

B.U.R.P (Baby U R Precious) gives back to Casa Teresa not only with 10% of their retail sales but with burp cloth donations. This is just one of the many precious recipients of lovingly made burp cloths. Casa Teresa provides a place for women who have chosen to keep their babies after birth or place them for adoption. B.U.R.P donates burp cloths on a bi-monthly basis.

March 2009 - 2nd sewing party

We had a small group of women at our last Burp Cloth sewing party ( 3-29-09) but they were real warriors and turned out an amazing 34 burp cloths. Just the amount we needed!
A special Thank you to our wonderful group of volunteer ladies. The burp cloths you made were beautiful and such a blessing to those that will receive them.
Thank you, Lynda Drake and Erin Riddle

February 2009 -1st official B.U.R.P sewing party -

If you don’t sew we have other opportunities that require no sewing. Like ironing, folding, wrapping, praying, donating all very important in making these sewing parties successful. If you have a friend or teenager that wants to get involved or learn to sew please join us and make a difference in the life of a new mom or grandma.
Women together making a difference one burp cloth at a time!

It all began with a passion to sew and create. Now that our daughter is grown, married and has a daughter of her own God orchestrated the perfect time for my daughter and I to partner together to fulfill this lifelong dream of a family business.
With the birth of our first granddaughter sewing burp cloths became a necessity and a fun thing to do for a “Grandma”! We had so much fun making, creating and giving burp cloths to new moms we thought it would be rewarding to have a ministry which would bring new moms together. I guess you would say, a God thing happened and “BURP” took on a new meaning…”Baby U R Precious” was born!
This is a mother and daughter endeavor of love and desire to leave a legacy to our children. Baby U R Precious the Boutique and the Burp Ministry have been serving moms since March, 2008.
Lynda, Erin and Rylynn

This is now the official site of B.U.R.P Ministry. Where you can read testimonies, view photos of burp cloth recipients, and check out our volunteer sewing calendar. We will have a separate blog for our Baby U R Precious retail side. Thank you for blogging with us.