“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Luke 18:16

Monday, June 22, 2009

BURP Volunteers are Grace-Givers!

How wonderful it is to be in the presence of those who radiate grace! That is what makes our BURP volunteers so special. They are Grace-Givers, they are so generous with their time and talents each month spending the extra moment to make a difference in a mom and baby's life by sewing, ironing or wrapping a burp cloth made with love.

"Freely you have received, freely give." Matthew 10:8
God's grace is freely given that we might freely give.

Bless you all
Lynda and Erin

New Website Launch -

As many of you know BURP stands for Baby U R Precious which is our retail side. We specialize in organic bamboo velour baby essentials and we just launched our new website - http://www.babyurprecious.com - check us out!
thanks for supporting BURP/Baby U R Precious we appreciate all of you!

Sewing Day....coming soon

Our Next Sewing Day is this Sunday -1 -4pm at the Drakes House. We had the most volunteers last month and we had some fabulous men that joined us as well - so this is not just for ladies...everyone is welcome! We hope to sew more than our record amount of 44 last month - so please come over June 28 for some more Burp Cloth FUN!

Monday, June 15, 2009

May 31st, 2009 Sewing Party Spectular

Men Can HELP Too!

What a delightful sewing party we had in May. A small group from Saddleback Church joined us in making burp cloths for their upcoming PEACE ministry trip to Chili in June.

Denee, John & Nick, Doug & Lisa, thank you again for your team of super helpers that was so much fun having the men involved!! Who would have thought that they would be so good !

Nick was such a great ironer and John so precise at his cutting and Doug was a super packer and tied the bows with care. It was just a win win team!! anytime we would love to have them again.

A special thank you too to our other volunteer sewers and ironers we had 13 volunteers that day, 6 sewing machines, 44 burp cloths made in 3 hours. It was a record breaking party.

Our next sewing party will be on June 28th if you would like to join us please email: erin@babyurprecious.com for directions.