“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Luke 18:16

Monday, July 27, 2009

Here is a note from the Chile Team who took our burp cloths in June.

"The church was very pleased to receive the beautiful burp cloths. We didn't make any hospital visits, but they will definitely use them in their local ministry and outreach projects. Attached is a photo of 3 of our team members and two church leaders exclaiming joy over the burp cloths.

Many thanks to you and all the members of the Burp Ministry for sharing the gifts God gave you with the people of Chile."

With blessings to you,
John, Denee and Nick Parker and Team Chile

Teens Give Back

Mom's and daughters sewing together what a great way to give back. We made burp cloths for a PEACE missions trip going to Chile.

We are going to take a summer break in July and August. We will be back in full swing starting September, 27th.