4-26-09, Sewing Ladies from the BURP Ministry made burp cloths for the Marine wives of Camp Pendleton, the 511 Group which is comprised of 3 artillery battalions: Romeo 511, Tango 511 and Sierra 511, have 600 men in this group. Of these 3 battalions 40 babies were born in the last several months. Moses baskets donated by another ministry at Saddleback church called the Military/Camp Pendleton Outreach of Saddleback Church asked us if we would sew burp cloths to be included in these beautiful baskets. Here is a note from the director;
“Thanks for taking the Military/Camp Pendleton Outreach on as a partner with your BURP ministry. Together we will share the love of Christ down there on base”.
Thx and Lord Bless,
“Thanks for taking the Military/Camp Pendleton Outreach on as a partner with your BURP ministry. Together we will share the love of Christ down there on base”.
Thx and Lord Bless,