“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them,
for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Luke 18:16
BURP Ministry;
So you ask how did it all begin?? When daughter Erin gave birth to our first granddaughter Rylynn in Dec. 2007 burp cloths were needed and so I began to sew burp cloths for Erin and her friends. One day while on a walk we thought wouldn’t it be fun to have a ministry and make burp cloths for moms that needed to know someone was thinking of them and praying for their baby.
The next fun thing was to think of a name which had to include BURP so we thought of an acrostic word for each of the letters in the word BURP and came up with Baby U R Precious, for everyone’s baby is precious and precious to God. We contacted the Mission Hospital in Mission Viejo and started working with them in a program that offered help to moms in need in the local area.
So a group of friends got together and started sewing burp cloths and gave them to the hospital to be distributed. We also started working with a local organization “Casa Teresa” in Orange that provides housing for unwed pregnant women who are alone and have nothing. When Erin contacted them to see if they would like burp cloths the director said oh my YES we always get blankets but never any burp cloths and I was just praying about that need. So we have partnered with Casa Teresa providing them burp cloths. Then we contacted our church, Saddleback Church and started working with the PEACE ministry teams in supplying them with burp cloths to take on their mission trips. So far we have given over 200 burp cloths and they have gone around the globe. Africa, Malawi, Argentina, Chile, China, Uruguay, Orange County.
In 2008 we had a friend design a logo for the BURP Ministry from a reference in the Bible that spoke to what we were trying to achieve. The logo consists of three birds sitting amongst a zig zag field of flowers. The three birds represent a mommy, baby and Jesus, with Jesus being the center and foremost in our lives.
It is written in Luke 12:23-24, “Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds!
In Luke 13:34, “How often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings”.
Each month a loving group of volunteers come to help sew the burp cloths that will be distributed. We recognize that we all have different strengths, purposes, passions, gifts, abilities and roles in the Kingdom of God. But the women, who serve this ministry, value their faith and want to give back in a healthy and refreshing way.
“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord” “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”, Luke 12:34. We so appreciate these women and the time they give to the BURP Ministry.