“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Luke 18:16

Sunday, September 26, 2010

BURP Ministry forming in Chile

It was a hot hot day but our little sewing group didn't let a little heat get in the way of making "burp cloths"  Thank you ladies, even granddaughter Rylynn got into the act and helped!  We made 23 burp cloths, we had completely exhausted our inventory, the last set of burp cloths went to Chile.  Here is a note from one of the groups that took the "Burp" cloths on their trip.

Yes, a new “mission”  in Lampa, Chile (a church planted and supported by First Baptist Church of Santiago ) is thinking of starting a sewing ministry.  Lampa is a small rural town about an hour from Santiago.  When teaching about Purpose Driven Ministry, we showed a picture of the Quilt and BURP ministries at Saddleback.  People got a chuckle about the name, BURP Ministry!

Can you believe it a church in Chile wants to start a BURP Ministry, now that's what I call pretty cool.  Showing Gods love, one burp cloth at a time.  Thanks again ladies for keeping the ministry going.